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Mechanical Prusiks

Mechanical Prusiks enable efficient tree navigation by enhancing the control you have while using classic Prusik system techniques.

Petzl Zigzag Mechanical Prusik

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Smooth, precise rope feed Slack easily taken up Can be used on single an double ropes …

Petzl Zigzag Plus Mechanical Prusik

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Smooth, precise rope feed Slack easily taken up Can be used on single an double ropes …

Rock Exotica Akimbo

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The Akimbo is a unique arborist climbing tool that enables the climber to ascend, descend and position on both stationary rope and moving rope systems.…

ART SpiderJack 3

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SECURITY CHECK - PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION (SMALL AMOUNT OF 2016 MODELS AFFECTED) Minimum breaking strength: 22 kN Two cams: for ropes with 11-12mm and…

ART SpiderJack 2.1 Dyneema

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Rope diameter: 11-13mm Mounted Dyneema kit included Dyneema sling fixed to body to allow second karabiner to be adapted for fixing the stationary rope…

ART SpiderJack 2.1 Basic

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Rope diameter: 11-13mm Multifunctional, self-blocking rope control device No conversion required when alternating between ascent and descent or for single-handed shortening without slack rope …

ART LockJack Sport With Swivel Eye

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Handy, efficient and easy to use Allows for extremely smooth rope glide The ART Swivel compensates twists of the rope and body for optimum comfort Offers a dynamic,…

ART LockJack Sport Basic

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Handy, efficient and easy to use Allows for extremely smooth rope glide Offers a dynamic, energy-saving method to climbing Used in combination with a RopeGuide to establish a…

ART Positioner 2 With Swivel Eye

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The swivel version prevents the device from twisting on the rope. The swivel version allows for comfortable handling in about every possible situation. Works on rope lanyards…

ART Positioner 2 Basic

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Compatible with ropes between 11mm and 13mm Can be adjusted easily with one hand, even under load Grabs the rope as soon as it…

As per Protective equipment (VAT Notice 701/23), this item is zero-rated when purchased for your own personal use. VAT applies if they're being supplied to your employees.

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